Volume: Storage for Swedish Houses, Crown Wharf, Canning Town

Crown Wharf, Canning Town, Newham, Greater London Authority, E16
Volume containing Photographic material
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A collection of 7 black and white negatives detailing wharf storage areas and warehouses. The area in Canning Town, London was where base materials from Sweden were collated and subsequently distributed for use in early postwar prefabricated housing. Around 5,000 Swedish Houses were built across the UK and although they were intended to only last between 10-15 years, many are still standing in 2019. Swedish Housing was a timber framed building method that was imported from Sweden and was deployed by the Ministry of Works as a quick and efficient method of house building. The houses were a gift to the UK from the Swedish government in recognition of their support during the war.

3 of the 7 images have been catalogued and scanned as part of a 2019 project.

The original Ministry of Works storage envelope records that the division related to the images was "D.D.T.H" and the operator was "F".


This is part of the Sub Series: PSA01/04/H Housing; within the Series: PSA01/04 Negatives; within the Collection: PSA01 Property Services Agency

This Volume is divided into 3 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 7


Source: Historic England Archive


Mid 20th Century Wharf, Mid 20th Century Warehouse, Mid 20th Century Prefabricated House