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34 results found

  • Hillforts: Prehistoric strongholds of Northumberland National Park

    A detailed archaeological landscape survey which investigates the purpose, design and function of Iron Age hillforts in Northumberland National Park.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Housesteads Roman Fort - The Grandest Station

    Extensive excavations were carried out between 1974 and 1981 by Newcastle University. This book combines these results with those of work done between 1959 and 1961 by Durham University to give a complete plan of the north-east part of the fort.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Legacies of the First World War

    Examines the legacy of the First World War in England via archaeological and architectural remains.

    Series: Archaeology
  • The Malvern Hills: An ancient landscape

    Examines the landscape of the Malvern Hills, a ridge of ancient volcanic rocks along the western edge of the Severn Valley. The survey ranges from the early prehistoric period to the present day, including the two large Iron Age hillforts on the ridge.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Mapping Ancient Landscapes in Northamptonshire

    A record of the National Mapping Programme project in Northamptonshire. It recovered and mapped archaeological evidence from field systems, through settlement remains, to funerary monuments, and ranges from the Neolithic to the 20th century.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Neanderthals Among Mammoths

    The discovery in 2002 of mammoth bones and stone tools at Lynford Quarry in Norfolk gives a rare opportunity to study the socioecology of Neanderthals and the relationship between their social structure and the distribution of resources in the landscape.

    Series: Archaeology
  • A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northamptonshire: Volume 1 – The Raunds Area Project

    This book is the result of The Raunds Area Project, which investigated more than 20 Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in the Nene Valley. An accompanying volume of data is due to be published in 2010.

    Series: Archaeology
  • A Neolithic and Bronze Age Landscape in Northamptonshire

    This book presents the actual data collected as a result of The Raunds Area Project, which investigated more than 20 Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in the Nene Valley. It accompanies volume 1 which was published in 2008.

    Series: Archaeology
  • The Neolithic Flint Mines of England

    Using a combination of field survey, aerial photography and archival research, this volume looks at the sites of Neolithic flint mines along the South Downs and in the Breckland of England.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    This volume holds a datelist of radiocarbon determinations carried out between 1970 and 1982 on behalf of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory, now part of English Heritage.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    This volume holds a datelist of 1285 radiocarbon determinations carried out between 1981 and 1988 on behalf of the Ancient Monuments Laboratory of English Heritage.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    A detailed catalogue of the radiocarbon dates funded by English Heritage between April 1988 and March 1993.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    A detailed catalogue of the radiocarbon dates funded by English Heritage between 1993 and 1998

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    A detailed catalogue of 1195 radiocarbon determinations funded by English Heritage between 1998 and 2003.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    This volume holds a datelist of 476 radiocarbon determinations carried out between 2002 and 2004 in support of research funded by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Radiocarbon Dates

    This volume holds a datelist of 647 radiocarbon determinations carried out between 2004 and 2007 in support of research funded by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Dangerous Energy: The archaeology of gunpowder and military explosives manufacture

    This book comprises a national study of the explosives industry and provides a framework for identification of its industrial archaeology and social history. It ranges from gunpowder manufacture in the late Middle Ages through to 20th-century explosives.

    Series: Archaeology
  • The Dover Bronze Age Boat

    Tells the dramatic story of the discovery in 1992 of the perfectly preserved remains of a large prehistoric, sewn plank boat in Dover, a unique find of a boat capable of cross-channel sailing.It includes carefully researched reconstruction drawings.

    Series: Archaeology
  • England's Coastal Heritage

    A review of coastal heritage including an introduction to the coastal historic environment, a consideration of long-term coastal change and a set of research priorities for the future.

    Series: Archaeology
  • Hadrian's Wall: Archaeological research by English Heritage 1976-2000

    From 1976 to 2000 English Heritage archaeologists undertook excavation and research on Hadrian’s Wall. This book reports on these findings and includes the first publication, of the James Irwin Coates archive of drawings of Hadrian’s Wall made in 1877–96.

    Series: Archaeology

Historic England Research

  • Historic England Research Magazine

    View back issues of Historic England Research and its predecessor Research News available to download.

  • Research Reports

    Our Research Report series includes research carried out by Historic England and on our behalf by other organisations.

Book series