Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Southall Manor House, The Green, Southall, Ealing, Greater London

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cliff Litton

Thirty-four samples were obtained from the roofs of six different areas of Southall Manor. The analysis of these produced three site chronologies, STHASQ01, SQ02, and SQ03, consisting of 18, four and three samples, of length 86, 81 and 73 rings, respectively. None of these site chronologies, or the remaining ungruoped single samples, could be dated. However, while it has not been possible to date any of the elements absolutely, it is possible to demonstrate that the hall, and the north and south cross-wings of the Manor, the stair tower, and the North Range, or 'kitchen wing', all belong to one programme of construction. The timber used in these elements was all cut in a single felling. Unfortunately, the date and relationship of the 'Link Range' with these elements cannot be demonstrated by tree-ring analysis.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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