Stonehenge Riverside Project, West Amesbury and Greater Cursus, Wiltshire : Report on Geophysical Surveys, July 2006

Author(s): Andy Payne

Geophysical surveys were conducted at two sites in support of the ongoing Stonehenge Riverside Project. The first, a magnetometer and earth resistance survey at West Amesbury, was undertaken in an attempt to determine the course of the Stonehenge Avenue, but no convincing geophysical evidence for the continuation of this monument was found. The second magnetometer survey, over part of the Stonehenge Greater Cursus adjacent to Fargo Plantation, investigated an area where finds of bluestone chippings had been reported. No significant anomalies were detected in the area of the recorded bluestone finds, but possible pit-type responses were detected on the line of the Cursus.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Magnetometer Prehistoric


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