The Old Swan Inn

14 Jun 2000
The Old Swan Inn, Summer Road, Esher, Elmbridge, Surrey, KT10 9QX
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


Thames Ditton

3/410 The Old Swan Inn


Two houses, linked and extended to form public house. Early C18 to left end and right of centre, C19 link between to left of centre and further extension to right end. Colourwashed brick on rendered plinth, parrallel range plain tiled roofs to left end and right of centre, slate roofs to left of centre and right end with end stacks and stacks to left and right of centre. 2 storeys,mixed fenestration. 3 bays to left end with glazing bar sash windows to first floor, leaded casements to ground floor under cambered heads. 5 bay range to left of centre with glazing bar sash windows to first floor, cambered head windows to ground floor. Further 3 bay range to right of centre with glazing bar sashes to first floor, plat band over ground floor and arched casement to ground floor right. Right end bay with jettied , square bay casement to first floor. Part glazed and panelled door with diagonal bracing to right of centre in lotus capital, half-columned surround supporting bowed, dentilled cornice above. Further half glazed door to left end under C19 segmental over door on stepped brick brackets . Oval wood cartouche with foliage surround above C20 glazed extension to rear with first floor, glazed gallery above.

Listing NGR: TQ1615967305


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1920 IOE Records taken by John Sparks; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr John Sparks. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Sparks, John

Rights Holder: Sparks, John


Brick, Glass, Render, Slate, Tile, Stuart House, Georgian Monument (By Form), Domestic, Dwelling, Public House, Commercial, Licensed Premises, Eating And Drinking Establishment, Recreational