Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Phase One Desk-based Assessment for South-West England (South Coast Dorset)

Author(s): Charles Johns, Graeme Kirkham, Tom Cousins, Dave Parham

This report forms the first-desk based assessment- phase of a Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey of the historic environment of Dorset's coast. The project aimed to: enhance the Dorset HER and the National Record of the Historic Environment inform future coastal and shoreline management provide an overview of coastal change from the Palaeolithic onwards assess the degree and nature of threat to coastal historic assets provide a broad assessment of the likely archaeological potential and vulnerability of the resource identify future research priorities enhance public understanding and enjoyment of the coastal heritage. This commissioned study was carried out by the Cornwall Archaeological Unit (formerly Historic Environment Projects, Cornwall Council) and Bournemouth University. Please note that where the report refers to the work of English Heritage, this is now the role of Historic England. At the time it was commissioned the project formed part of the wider National Heritage Protection Plan 2011-2015 activity on coastal heritage.

Report Number:
Medieval Post Medieval Prehistoric Second World War Marine Management


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